Letter: Lee’s town hall “skirt” was very revealing

On Aug. 23, Republican Sen. Mike Lee held a town hall meeting in Lehi. Many citizens attended, and the Q&A component was lively. Attendees had questions for him about the Afghan Adjustment Act, border control and concerns about his support for indicted sexual predator and twice impeached Donald J. Trump. One brave man (unknown to me) — a military veteran, retired professor, businessman and Utah resident of nearly 80 years — asked this question:

“In October 2020 you stated your allegiance and respect for Donald Trump by comparing him to one of your heroes in the Book of Mormon, Alma 43-56. Captain Moroni, you stated, was like Donald Trump — a great leader worthy of being our president. Are you prepared today to defend your allegiance to Donald Trump, and want him to be our next president? If so, how can you defend his dishonest, obscene, and criminal actions during his entire adult life? If not, why have you not denounced him publicly? Why have you not voted for his removal from office? How can you reasonably give your respect and allegiance to a man without any honorable regard for moral ideas or use of his power?”

Lee’s response — a complete dodging of the question — began with an attempt to cast aspersions on President Joe Biden.

There were immediately cries from the audience to “Answer the question!”

How did he skirt the issue this time? His reply was: “I want Donald Trump to be president. I hope he becomes president in 2024. I support him 100%.”

His “skirt” was very revealing!

Linda Hoffman Kimball, founding member of Mormon Women for Ethical Government, Woodland

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